The Panorama Diner is a must-see attraction on Route 66 in Blizzard's "Overwatch," a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter released in 2016. Havas Sports & Entertainment meticulously recreated the Diner as a Coca-Cola sponsored fan experience at BlizzCon 2019.

The Diner, complete with a full menu and daily giveaways, attracted 6,250 visitors and initiated 2.8 million social impressions and 6.8 million editorial impressions. The experience made another impression on Overwatch creator, Jeff Kaplan, who said, "This is so close to the in-game version. I feel like I'm in the spawn room right now...I'm so honored that Coke put this together. I couldn't ask for anything better than a Panorama Diner here at BlizzCon."